Enrolment Form
Important Info
How much does it cost?
Prices from September 2024
Ensemble Tuition (termly)
One group: £55
Two groups: £100
Three groups: £130
Individual Tuition (termly)
30 minute 1:1 lesson: £185
(currently offering Piano, Guitar and Voice)
All prices listed are the costs per term. We run 10 sessions per term with at least one performance opportunity within each group of 10.
How do you pay?
When you sign up, we’ll send you a link to set up direct debit payment via GoCardless.
Payment for group sessions will be taken once every two months. One session membership will be charged at a rate of £27.50 each half term.
Individual lessons will be invoiced separately by arrangement with Music Centre tutors.
Are there other ways to pay?
If you are unable to commit to a direct debit, please let us know so we can organise an alternative form of payment such as an invoice.
Financial Aid
If you need assistance with the fees, we have established some wonderful links to local charities and organisations that contribute towards funding Rugby Music Centre group tuition.
We also have the Toby Burwell scholarship which offers fee subsidy for group tuition for 1 year for selected applicants.
Email us directly on enquiries@rugbymusiccentre.co.uk and we can send you some options if you need some financial aid.